




●it’s very important for us to protect the environment. all of us want to live in a better place, so it’s our duty to beautfy the environment. as a senior high school student, we should do something.above all, we should never throw rubbish ourself. we must keep this rule, and then influence the others. what’s more, we should care more about the environment. for instance, we should read newspapers about the globle environment problems and think deep about them. last but not the least, we ought to promote the importance of protecting the environment. in this way, we can call on more and more people to join us.let’s take actions as soon as possible! let’s protect the earth, and live a better environment.


●自己写好点,只给你参考,别照抄啊 保护环境,从我做起 一天我和爸爸出去买菜,在走之前爸爸的衣服一不小心弄脏了了,我就回家拿了一大块卫生纸给爸爸把衣服擦干净了,擦完后还剩一块,爸爸就把它装在了口袋里。 我们走在半路碰到一个小狗的粪便,我看了便就绕了过去,而爸爸却拿出那块没有用的卫生纸蹲下。我一开始对爸爸的行为感到很诧异,但是当爸爸将狗粪便拿起来并扔进垃圾桶里时我恍然大悟,原来爸爸要清理狗粪便。爸爸的行为深深地感动了我,我明白了——爸爸是在为后面的行人“铺路”呀!我看到爸爸的行为后决定也为大家做点什么,于是我回家拿了一块湿的抹布亲手把粪便的残渣清理干净,然后再把抹布扔到垃圾箱里。爸爸看到我的行为后笑了,会心地笑了,我也很开心,因为我也做了一件好事啊! 还有一次,我和爸爸、妈妈去洗海澡到哪里后我们惊呆了,因为在海面上有许许多多的垃圾,食物垃圾、生活垃圾等各种各样的垃圾都有,最可笑的是海上还飘浮着一双旧皮鞋……反正是因有尽有。能想到小物品的差不多有7/3有。为了好好玩,我和爸爸、妈妈又一起捡垃圾,把力所能及的垃圾捡的差不多了,很多人被我们感染一起捡起了垃圾,顿时海面一部分又恢复了原本美丽的一面,看到我们劳动的成果我真是欣喜若狂,因为我又为我们的祖国献出了自己微弱的一份力量我真的好高兴——我做到了,我真地做到了!我想大家也一定会做到的,对吗? 通过这两事件我的感悟很深,对于身边的不文明现象我们因该挺身而出做一个“环保小卫士”,为我们身边的人做一个榜样呀!可千万不要像以前的我,看到这些现象竟然袖手旁观,这可是不对的,比如说:在公共场所你随地乱扔纸花、随地吐痰等种种不文明现象都是不应该做的,反而你因该把纸花捡起来,看到有人要随地仍纸花你要劝诫他,让他往垃圾桶里扔。不文明的事件还不止这些,为了我们的家园,为了我们的地球妈妈,让这些不文明事件消失吧! 在我们的家园里,在我们自己的地盘上,我想大家是不会自己亲手伤害自己的家园的是吗?身在这么和谐、美丽的家园里,我们是多么幸福,请不要再毁坏它了,要对我们身边不文明的现象说不,要保护我们唯一的家园——地球妈妈,我们小学生都能做到,何况你呢?为了我们共同的家园,行动起来吧!


●protect the environmentas we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .in some places,we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. some people even have no clean water to drink. so i think we must do something to protect the environment. but what can we do?how to protect our environmemt ?for example,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping baskets not plastic bags when we go shopping,and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .in a word,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better。“there is only one earth”,i hope everyone will protect our environment well。what can we do for the environment  our environment is becoming worse and worse,what can we do for the environment?i think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem。  the first thing we can do is to use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. it helps to protect the environment. the second thing we can do is to reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can. we should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms in order to save energy. what’s more,it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to school. we should try our best to reduce pollution and waste。  in fact,even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. i believe we can make the world a better place to live in。


●不久前,我从电视新闻上看到上海动物园里一头长颈鹿患了病,最后不治身亡。解剖后发现长颈鹿肠胃内竟然有许多五彩的泡沫塑料袋!原来这些塑料袋是导致它肠胃溃烂而死的元凶,我的心震颤了。多么可怜的长颈鹿啊! 这么多塑料袋是哪儿来的?来自每天络绎不绝的游客!我们人类天天在呼唤保护野生珍稀动物,却又在不知不觉中残害屠杀它们。这是多么矛盾啊!然而这就是现实。 其实,这种矛盾现象在生活中是大量存在的。我们一方面都在埋怨环境被污染,可是我们自己又何尝不是在污染环境呢!比如,我们一方面在大声疾呼抽烟有害健康,而另一方面又在大批量地生产和销售香烟。我们一方面大力提倡不乱丢垃圾,另一方面我们在吃棒冰时往往随便地将包装纸扔在地上。又比如,有些厂的老板把厂房装饰得美丽豪华,可是背地里却把污水、废水偷偷地源源不断地往河里排放……所以,尽管我们天天在宣传环境意识,可是污染环境,危害生物的现象仍然屡禁不止。 为什么会有这么多矛盾现象呢?我认为,关键在于很多人没有重视环境保护。埋怨别人污染了环境,恰恰忘记了自己也在污染环境!所以在宣传保护环境时,还要加上“从我做起!”这后半句。使环保意识真正在我们每个人的头脑里扎下根,使我们的所作所为时刻都在考虑保护环境。但愿可怜的长颈鹿不再无辜地病死,但愿它的死能唤醒我们许多人的良知!
