

以my climate hubei为题,写湖北的四个季节,写一篇英语小短文,不少于50个

  • 以my climate hubei为题,写湖北肠弧斑旧职搅办些暴氓的四个季节,写一篇英语小短文,不少于50个单词
  • hubei has a sub-tropical monsoonal climate, with a mean annual temperature of 15oc-17oc — the hottest month, july, averaging 27-30oc and the coldest month, january, 1-5oc — and a mean 肠弧斑旧职搅办些暴氓annual precipitation of 800-1600 mm.


  • after a while i rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus. i sat next to the man and introduced myself. we had an amazing conversation. he got off the bus before me and i felt very happy the rest of the way home. i’m glad i made a choice. it made both of us feel good.本人语言组织不好,请高手帮忙标准翻译,不要机器翻译的,谢谢
  • 过了一会儿,我从座位上起身,走到了公交车的前面。我坐在那个男人旁边,向他介绍我自己。我们聊得非常愉快。他在我之前就先下车了。在接下来回家的路途中我都感到非常快乐。 我很高兴我能作出一次选择。这个选择让我们俩都感觉很棒。


  • audiences in the second decade of the twentieth century found it pleasant to escape to a time when life, though hard, was relatively simple. we still do; living in a world in which undeclared aggression, war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy and impending immolation are part of our daily lives, we all want a code to live by. 我又几个问题 为什么 found it 不加is we still do 如何翻译
  • 首先能解释的是 肯定是audiences 才能found it噻。 如果加了is 就变成audiences 被发现了吧。 we still do.就是说, 不止20世纪20年代的人那样做,我们现在也这样做。


  • 内容是:小明住在北京,学校离家大概有5公里,他通常骑车上学,大概要40分钟,他家附近有个公交车站,所以天气不好时,他会坐公交车去上学,坐公交车大概要20分钟
  • 作文一:xiao ming lives in beijing.its about 5 kilometers from his home to school.he usually goes to school by bike.the bike ride takes about 40 minutes.and there is a bus stop near his home.so when the weather is bad,he takes the bus to school.the bus ride takes about 20 minutes作文二:xiao ming lived in beijing, about 5 kilometers away from the school, he usually ride a bike to school, about 40 minutes, there is a bus station near his home, so the weather is not hersheys, he will go to school by bus, about 20 minutes by bus.望采纳,谢谢。


  • the words you know are called your vocabulary. you should try to make your vocabulary bigger. read as many books as we can. there are a lot of books written in easy english. you will enjoy them. when you meet a new word, look it up in your dictionary. your dictionary is your most useful book.请标准翻译(不要机器翻译的),高手帮忙
  • 你所知道的单词称为你的词汇量。你应该尽量扩大你的词汇量。尽量多读书。有许多书是用简单的英语写的。你会喜欢阅读的。当你遇到不认识的生词的时候,查查字典。你的字典是最有用的书籍。


  • 两题小学英语阅读短文悬赏20不够再加
  • 碃激百刻知灸版熏保抹tftffaabbb朋友,请【采纳答案】,您的采纳是我答题的动力,如果没有明白,请追问。谢谢。


  • 抱歉,看不清图。。。。害耿愤际莅宦缝为俯力


  • in the twenty-first century,computer network is very important to people`s life.especially ,to the students in the university,it is a great advantage for them to master the network technology professionally.network brings a great convenience to people .it is very common to do on-line chatting or on-line shopping in people`s life.through the network,people can see the friends and relatives thousands miles away from 敞亥搬酵植寂邦檄鲍漏them ,also they can buy the commodities they need without going outside…  在21世纪,计算机网络对人们的生活非常重要,尤其,对于大学生而言,熟练的掌握网络技术是重要优势。 网络带给人们极大地便利,网上聊天、网上购物在人们的生活中已经很常见,有了网络,人们能够见到几千里以外的朋友亲人,还能够不用出门就能买到想买的商品······


  • my hometown is located at the outside of the city. i was born and grew up ther粻储纲肥蕺堵告瑟梗鸡e. it was a little village with natural scenery of green mountains, a beautiful river and lovely village houses. in the summer, i liked to go to picnic under the mountain and swim in the river. but now my


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